Take a Seat!

It’s a fact, I truly love chairs. Not sure where or when this adoration began, but recently I blurted out how I loved chairs on a car ride with my daughters. They had that “there she goes again” side-eyed look and chuckled. Maybe it’s the symbolization of comfort, rest, waiting, and a time to visit an old friend or family member and reminisce that makes me so fond of chairs. As I write this piece I am sitting in Starbucks enveloped in a butterscotch tufted leather chair. The room is full of people talking, reading, studying, and listening to music while sipping on an over-priced foamy drink in all kinds of different chairs throughout the shop.

Rocking chairs are a sentimental favorite of mine. On the Christmas Eve before my daughter Alexa was born I received a rocker as a gift. She was rocked many days and late evenings in that chair. As she grew older she loved to stand and hold on to the arm of the rocker for support. She would gnaw on the arm while she was teething. Her tiny teeth marks are still there. And now that chair is in my grandson’s room where his mom and dad rock him.

When you think about it young children have many special chairs at different stages of their development. Highchairs contain the young diners to practice their pincer skills with cheerios and other finger foods, until they graduate to learning how to use eating utensils. It’s contained and messy, but many spaghetti eating and first- birthday- cake- smashing milestones are captured in that special chair.

Don’t forget car seats. There are more belts, buckles, and snapping mechanisms to keep our precious little cargo safe. How the heck did we ever survive without car seats when we were little is still a mystery!

Remember Archie Bunker had his favorite chair? That iconic chair is in the Smithsonian in Washington, DC!

Little Miss Muffet- she had a tuffet. And Humpty Dumpty, well he should have been sitting on a chair and not teetering on a wall. (We all know how that one ended…)

Dentist chairs are definitely NOT a chair I love. But beach chairs that are set up near the water’s edge to invite the waves to lap up on your feet and allow you to drift off to faraway daydreams are priceless.

Movie directors have special chairs too, and it sits high on a movie set. Those that work around that chair have a special respect and reverence for the directives given, ACTION!!”

Let us not forget the man in the red suit. Children young and old wait in long lines during the Christmas season to sit on Santa’s lap in that large gilded thrown of a chair and share their wishes and hopes for that special gift from him. Speaking of thrones, kings and queens have ornately adorned gold seats they sit upon that symbolizes power and authority.

My friend Stephanie and I love to peruse barn sales and antique shops. I always gravitate towards the chairs that are wooden with chippy paint, and endless stories to tell I bet. Those well-loved chairs are soulful and a part of someone’s history. They are nothing like the chairs found in big box stores that are mass produced. Those old weathered chairs were made by skilled craftsmen with calloused hands that took great pride in their work. I have purchased some of those chairs, and they now continue their history in my home. Empty chairs look lonely to me; but I can’t rescue them all. I need to leave some for others to cherish as much as I do.


I would be remiss if I didn’t share some interesting facts I learned about chairs when preparing this blog!

*The first chair dates back around 5000 years, to the times of Ancient Egypt. They were used for the leader or chief of a group.

*The word chair comes from the Latin “chathedra” which means to sit.

*Chairs did not become popular until the 16th century. Before that people would sit on the floor.

Friends give us support and always have our back when situations may not be comfortable. Did you know the most important feature of any chair is the level of back support? Everyone has a different shape back and each person will need support in different areas. When we find that “just right” chair we have found an old friend that makes us feel comfortable, safe, and protected. (See how I was able to weave our girl Goldilocks in here?)

Fall and winter are right around the corner and it’s the perfect time to wrap yourself in a blanket, read, write, or call someone you need to reconnect with while being hugged by an old faithful furniture friend~ your favorite chair.


Daydream Believer

I am very fortunate. We all are in many ways.

We need to stop and reflect on all the gifts we have been given and believe we are worthy .

Currently, I am at a stage in my life with only 2 years until retirement in education. It’ll be a time where I will reinvent myself and move onto another satisfying and challenging career. That’s a blessing.

I have a grandson whom I adore; and a daughter who is killin’ it at being a great mother. What precious gifts to behold.

And my youngest daughter, well, she’s on college searches before beginning her senior year in high school trying to find the “right fit” university for her.

Some feel melancholy to see their babies grow up. I believe it’s a privilege to be able to witness these milestones with pride.

With all the long rides to visit campuses it gives me time to think, to soul search, and to evaluate my life thus far with all its’ twists, turns, and curve balls. Have you really thought about what you believe in…?

Whitney Houston sang she believed the children are our future~ to teach them well and let them lead the way… I can’t argue with that. I have worked pridefully with my own daughters as well as the hundreds of children throughout my career to believe in themselves and know they can make a difference in the world.

I guess you can say on those car rides from one state to the next I was being a “Daydream Believer”, as the band the Monkeys sang.

I wonder how often one stops and digs deep into identifying what they believe in and how it shapes them into the person the world sees everyday?

After careful deliberation, here are my top 10 beliefs at this moment and time. I am certain I will tweak, and expand my list as I partake in more life experiences. Heck, I may add many more next week! This is how we grow worldly, adventurous, and become bravely vulnerable to new ideas, places, and experiences.


*Everyone should have two solid playlists of music to listen to in the car. One list to pump us up on our way to work, and a different list to calm and de-stress us on our way home after a long challenging day.

* They say in life: “Every pot has a lid,” and we must search carefully. For some it takes a lifetime to find the perfect fit- (for the pot and ourselves).

*Money doesn’t buy happiness but it sure helps relieve some stresses.

*We must be “present” in our children’s lives and not over-indulge them with presents. The real gift we can give them is our TIME. Time playing, time reading to them, and time really listening to what our children are saying.

*My silence is my self-defense. If I am quiet (while I know that is a very rare occurrence), I am saying a lot.

*Taking time to be alone in your own thoughts and in prayer is a necessity. Solitude grounds and resets us. It allows us to listen to the whispering messages within our soul.

*We should marvel at the moon and all its’ phases. It’s ever-changing, just like us.

* We need to take photos of anything we think is beautiful. Frame them. Display them. They are the moments we will not see the same way again and a way to remember who we were at that particular time.

* Stars are meant for gazing, and fireflies for collecting, and releasing. Their twinkles offer hope, and quietly hold the wishes we desire.

*And finally, a home should not be measured by its’ square footage or zip code, but rather, by the sense of belonging when surrounded by the people we love. (As well as for those who immediately feel welcomed when they enter our threshold…).

I challenge you to take the time to sit quietly and think. Think about who you are and where you’ve been. Think of all your triumphs, challenges, and the beliefs that have formed from each experience, and believe you make a difference!

“The joy of living is inside you. Live it. Believe in it.” (TAO)

I believe you can do this!


You Can Call Me Lovey

I was fortunate to grow up knowing both of my grandmothers. They had very different personalities; and I learned many life lessons from both.

They were great cooks and prepared meals effortlessly. Their kitchens smelled of comfort foods, like mashed potatoes and pot roasts. Mountains of chocolate chip cookies often were available within an arm’s reach waiting to be devoured, while the basement kitchen of my Italian grandmother always had the earthy smells of fresh basil, mint, and tomatoes from the garden that were lovingly made into sauce for Sunday dinners.

One grandmother was calm and loved all animals and shopping, while the other was feisty. She would call pretending to be Mrs. Claus each year days before Christmas~ making sure we weren’t naughty so her husband Santa could fill his sleigh with our presents!

I listened to their stories and learned lessons I still remember today and practice. They helped form me into the sentimental, spirited, hardworking woman I am today. Thinking back, I recall always watching them carefully and remember their fortitude and strength.

Recently I read: a grandmother’s energy is powerful. It is ancient. It represents generations of women feeding, nurturing, teaching~ bringing new souls along with their wisdom. They are fonts of intelligence, and observations over long periods of time…

And now in a few short weeks I will be among the ranks of an elite group of women with the title grandmother.

There will be a lot to live up to; and I am up for the challenge. Alexa, my oldest daughter will grace this earth with my first grandchild. Vividly I remember the day she arrived during a blustery snowstorm in January, 1993. The trees were blanketed in ice as we drove home, and looked as if they were bowing at our daughter’s arrival. I recall looking at her and thinking of the endless possibilities she had, and wondered what great and wonderous things she’d achieve. And let me tell you… there have been many.

Now, she will take on the new role of mother. She will nurture this next generation with boundless possibilities, guiding them to achieve marvelous things. What a gift to be a part of… a miracle, a promise for a hopeful future.

I look forward to doing so many adventurous things with this precious gift. It’s time to bring back the books that were well-loved and read so often they were memorized. We’ll go for walks and find the perfect smooth stone to bring home, sing in the rain, and continue old traditions while also creating new ones. All will be passed down to future generations and our history will live on…

There are many names for grandmother: Babuska, Granny, Baba, Nana, Nonna, Abuela, Gigi to name just a few. And, if you are wondering what this little bean will call me; it will be Lovey. While I haven’t even met them yet, they already hold a very special place in my heart.

I know my grandmothers are smiling down from heaven and thrilled with my upcoming new role. I am certain they’ll be sending me signs to guide me along the way.

Oh how I cannot wait to meet you little one! I am most certain you will teach me many lessons along the way too.


Mother’s Day Wishes

People who know me well probably will think this week’s blog will be a sentimental journey down a mother’s memory lane.  As mothers we all have our heart-filled stories about that precious vocation called motherhood. The joy we felt when we first held our newborn baby…  This is a journey not to be taken lightly.  What is our primary responsibility? Raise good people. I read a quote some time ago that really stuck with me: “How we treat the child, the child will treat the world.”  ~Pam Lee

Remember, it takes a village to raise a child and no one in this vocation is alone. So today’s blog is more of a countdown of the top ten things I think mothers wish for and from their children…

  1.  Do not put the milk carton back in the fridge when there is only a swallow left.
  2. Sons, put the toilet seat down when you’re finished.
  3. Children, if you see your mother heading to the bathroom, walk-in closet, or pantry with reading material, let that be a sign she needs alone time. DO NOT barge in or start slipping notes under the door.
  4. Teenagers, when “cleaning your room”, be sure to take the case of half consumed water bottles out from under the bed and to the recycling bin.
  5. Say your prayers each day and be thankful for everything.
  6. Sit by the person at lunch that is alone.
  7. Tell the truth.  As mothers we will always find out if you stretching the truth, and we know more than what we ever lead you to believe.
  8. Always keep your sense of wonder and never give up on your dreams….ever.
  9. Work hard. Stay humble and be the reason someone smiles today. Kindness is not an act. It is a lifestyle. ~Anthony Douglas Williams
  10. And most importantly, no matter where you go, or what you do in this world be true to yourself and know that your mother will always stand by you and love you.

Helping our children through this journey called life is not easy.  There will be laughter, worries, and many tears. We may not always get it right but that’s Ok, we are human. Forgive yourself. The pride, honor, and love you feel when you see your child do things great or small, is well worth the effort.

You’ve got this moms!

Happy Mother’s Day!


“Mabel Means Love…”

Lord knows I have been with many children over the years. Thousands in fact…

Some are artsy and doodle all over their schoolwork, while others are athletic and play at recess like Olympic athletes. Some are talkative and are never at a loss for words, while others are so quiet they hope to blend into the classroom and not be seen. Some tap endlessly on their desks with their pencils, where one would feel like they were attending a Shelia E. or Ringo Star concert. (On those days, trips to the nurse’s office for a dose of extra strength Tylenol are needed…)

There are the serious studious students; and on the flip side the comedians that will do anything for a disruptive laugh. (Yes, I too have guffawed at their silly antics.) I have had criers, and hitters, and those who like to “borrow” other classmate’s belongings without asking.

I have met and enjoyed many students that fit the above profiles over the years. Their personalities bring life to our classroom communities and create lasting memories.

Allow me to now share with you a student that holds a special place in the hearts of all that meet her. She is as big as a minute, but with a personality that fills a room. She has a perpetual smile and a giggle that is contagious. And, when she hugs you, you best brace yourself because she will squeeze the stuffin’s right out of you!

This little first grade tadpole named Mabel came to our school at just the right time. A time where adults are stressed and tired and overwhelmed. A time where students are readjusting to school routines and classroom behaviors, and trying to make up academically from the lost in-person time of remote learning.

You can’t help but feel joy when you see Mabel. I actually seek her out. I get the greatest lift when she comes charging towards me to give her koala -vice- grip- hello hug. All your tensions melt away when Mabel is around. She is a breath of fresh air and just beams joy. She loves school, her friends, and everyone around her! Even while wearing a mask, her eyes sparkle and smile! Couple that with her impish giggle, your day is made!

Once, a teacher friend of mine asked this peanut why everyone likes her so much; and without skipping a beat she simply said: “Because Mabel means love!”

We all couldn’t agree more.

The fact that Mabel knows how to share her lighthearted, kind spirit with the world at such a young age is a gift and a blessing to all who meet her.

Everyone has a special mission in this life. Some take a lifetime to discover what that is. Mabel naturally shares her gift of love unselfishly. We all need to learn a lesson from this six year old little girl.

So spread your light. Smile wide and bright, and be more like Mabel. The world will be a better place if you do.

Thank you sweet girl for the lovely reminder.



Model Mindfully

Happy Anniversary to… me!

On December 31, 2017, my New Year’s pledge was to create a blog site for journaling my thoughts.

(I have been told by many I have much to say, and might I add, that it has also been said that even when I say not a word, much is being told.)

The mission of my blog was to be a positive platform where I would share my ideas, chronicle interesting encounters, and offer insights on how we all can be better human beings to each other.

Here I am beginning year five of blogging, and actually have followers who read, comment, and offer their reactions and insights from all around the world! What an awesome gift! It is something I am proud of and enjoy writing.

We are all models. And someone is always watching. Whether it’s putting the shopping cart back in the chorale at the grocery store, holding a door open for a parent that is trying to wrangle two crying children into the pediatrician’s office, or how we react, or don’t react in a situation will duly be noted by someone observing. Most times we aren’t even aware there is someone spectating and influenced by our actions, reactions, and behaviors.

I felt this blog anniversary was the perfect opportunity to remind all of us that when we exhibit perseverance, tenacity, enthusiasm, and grit we not only model a strong and productive mindset for ourselves, but also our children, and co-workers. And yes, complete strangers will emulate these traits and continue spreading positive vibes!

I have proudly watched my daughters demonstrate their positive mindfulness and drive. My oldest daughter found her path to being a nurse by zigging and zagging through challenges and never giving in to obstacles. She worked hard and kept her eyes forward, shoulders back, and marched toward her goals. She succeeded because she believed in herself and knew we believed in her.

My youngest, has always been our “Nervous Nellie”. She thrives on routines and is not one who likes to stray from them. Covid and the inconsistency of school schedules last year left her anxious and suffering from panic attacks. She advocated for herself and asked for extra help to navigate her anxiety. She too worked hard, learned strategies to deal with her anxiety and has developed a confidence that we have never seen before!

I could not be more proud as a mother to watch both girls overcome their obstacles and forge ahead and blossom! I attribute their successes to having a mindset that allowed them both to accept their challenges and being open to pathways to overcome the hurdles. We all may need that nudge to keep going from time to time~ to never take no, or it can’t be done, for an answer. My girls know they will receive the nudge when needed.

Positive mindfulness is an exercise in productivity, for ourselves and those around us.

What is one promise you have made to yourself for 2022?(Notice I didn’t say resolution?) Resolution by definition is: a firm decision to do or not to do something. New Year’s resolutions often become abandoned quickly because they seem unobtainable.

Instead of resolution call it a promise, it seems less threatening. Write it down. It’ll hold you accountable. Strategically put it in places you’ll see everyday… on a mirror, in the car, the refrigerator door… Tell someone your goal, the promise you have made, and make them your designated “check-in” person, your accountability partner, your cheerleader. BE the superstar model you are meant to be; and be mindful the world is watching and ~cheering you on!!

May 2022 be your year for new adventures, accomplishments of all sizes, and prideful moments!

My promises for this year? I am excited to explore podcasting, work on finishing a second book, and diving into the world of voice-overs and acting.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again, wouldn’t the world be a better place if we all cheered each other on and applauded other’s successes? Be a mindful model, and be on the lookout for other mindful models . They are everywhere to learn from and echo.

Happy New Year, and I can’t wait to hear about all the great things you will do and model this year!



Start and STOP!

The last 18 months have had many starts and stops. It has taken a toll on our mental well-being, our children’s education, and our careers. But as we begin to recover and start back to a new “normal”, many valuable lessons can be taken from the experiences we have endured. Hopefully, we have learned along the “start and stop” journey.

START admiring the face and body reflecting in the mirror.

STOP finding flaws and wishing you looked like someone else.

START being spontaneous. Climb the mountain. Take the road trip. Write the story waiting to be told.

STOP scrolling through Facebook and Instagram feeling envious and wishing for other people’s adventures.

START making a playlist of your favorite songs that make your soul happy. Sing and dance like no one is watching.

STOP worrying if people are watching. You may be the inspiration they have been waiting for to free themselves of their own inhibitions…

START photographing all the beauty around you. Frame it. Admire it.

STOP being so preoccupied that you never notice the wondrous world that’s right in front of you.

START calling and visiting friends and family more.

STOP putting off those connection opportunities. We never know what tomorrow holds.

START reinventing yourself at any stage of life. Take singing or dancing lessons, learn to play an instrument, write, paint, look for a new career.

STOP thinking you are too old, or too young, or too stuck in a situation.

START exercising and taking better care of yourself now.

STOP putting it off until tomorrow, next week, or the New Year. If your body is healthy your mind will be too.

START celebrating your age, whatever it may be. Everyday is a gift to cherish.

STOP wishing you were younger or older. Right now is all we are guaranteed.

START listening and not just hearing.

STOP talking to reply. Your actions speak louder than words at times.

START using constructive criticism as a tool to build an improved you.

STOP taking everything personally. (I know, that’s a difficult one for me too. I am a work in progress.)

START believing in all the magnificent things you are destined to be!



Checking In…

We check into many different places, and by doing so we allow others to know we are there.

Places like:

*A doctor’s appointment

*Airports/ and our luggage



*Hair Appointments


*We even check-in our coats at a restaurant or while attending a special function…

We check in with family and friends, elderly neighbors, and co-workers to make sure everyone is doing okay. We’ll drop everything to offer a hand, or an ear, to let them know we care.

Our world is topsey~ turvey right now, (like I need to remind anyone of that), and we take care of so many.

It’s time we take care and “check-in” with ourselves.

Try this exercise. Take a look at yourself in the mirror and ask: Do I feel overwhelmed? Do I feel frustrated, impatient, or melancholy? Am I getting plenty of rest? When was the last time I exercised? How often am I taking on more than I can handle because it distracts me from the nagging heaviness I am feeling?

Am I OK?

These are some very direct, pointed questions that you need to ask yourself. And, be honest with your answers.

Are you an “I’m fine” person? Yep, me too, even when I am not. We don’t want to bother others because everyone has their own issues and we don’t want to be a burden or a “Debbie Downer”. Everyone has something going on in their lives.

Let me repeat that…EVERYONE.

Alright, you have answered all the questions, now what? Find ways to re-balance and SLOW DOWN. Breathe and listen to the inner voice. Get in touch with you.

Try yoga. If it’s is not your thing, take the walk, listen to music, read, paint, organize. Do something that makes you de-stress. Make lists and check off your accomplishments. Remember all those people you checked in with over the years? Give them a call and talk about YOU. That is a difficult thing for most to do but it needs to be done. We can’t juggle everything, and need a reprieve and a safety net too.

Check in with your doctor. When was the last time YOU had a physical. We take our children to their yearly visits and nag our partners about theirs, but when was yours? There are times when we need to seek the help of a professional. Someone who can validate us, give us strategies, and help us navigate through the clutter and stress we are encountering and help us re-center.

Don’t ignore the signs, and check-in to be a healthier, happier you!

Your mission… check-in with a friend or family member and let them know you’re there. If everyone did that what an empathic wonderful world this would be!



Checking In…

We check into many different places, and by doing so we allow others to know we are there.

Places like:

*A doctor’s appointment

*Airports/ and our luggage



*Hair Appointments


*We even check-in our coats at a restaurant or while attending a special function…

We check in with family and friends, elderly neighbors, and co-workers to make sure everyone is doing okay. We’ll drop everything to offer a hand, or an ear, to let them know we care.

Our world is topsey~ turvey right now, (like I need to remind anyone of that), and we take care of so many.

It’s time we take care and “check-in” with ourselves.

Try this exercise. Take a look at yourself in the mirror and ask: Do I feel overwhelmed? Do I feel frustrated, impatient, or melancholy? Am I getting plenty of rest? When was the last time I exercised? How often am I taking on more than I can handle because it distracts me from the nagging heaviness I am feeling?

Am I OK?

These are some very direct, pointed questions that you need to ask yourself. And, be honest with your answers.

Are you an “I’m fine” person? Yep, me too, even when I am not. We don’t want to bother others because everyone has their own issues and we don’t want to be a burden or a “Debbie Downer”. Everyone has something going on in their lives.

Let me repeat that…EVERYONE.

Alright, you have answered all the questions, now what? Find ways to re-balance and SLOW DOWN. Breathe and listen to the inner voice. Get in touch with you.

Try yoga. If it’s is not your thing, take the walk, listen to music, read, paint, organize. Do something that makes you de-stress. Make lists and check off your accomplishments. Remember all those people you checked in with over the years? Give them a call and talk about YOU. That is a difficult thing for most to do but it needs to be done. We can’t juggle everything, and need a reprieve and a safety net too.

Check in with your doctor. When was the last time YOU had a physical. We take our children to their yearly visits and nag our partners about theirs, but when was yours? There are times when we need to seek the help of a professional. Someone who can validate us, give us strategies, and help us navigate through the clutter and stress we are encountering and help us re-center.

Don’t ignore the signs, and check-in to be a healthier, happier you!

Your mission… check-in with a friend or family member and let them know you’re there. If everyone did that what an empathic wonderful world this would be!



Give It A Shake!


It’s something that women and men spend a great deal of time thinking about… shampoos, gels, colors, cuts, styling tools… so many choices! Some do not have hair, so razors keep that shiny grape glowing, or hair accessories are purchased to coordinate with outfits and moods of the day. Hair expresses your style and personality and is typically the first thing you notice when you meet someone. Google hairstyles and thousands will pour out from your search. Did you ever have a hairstyle that you absolutely loved and brought a picture of it with you to your salon stylist? For me, it’s typically Halle Berry’s pixie cut. But dang it, no matter how many times I bring that photo to numerous stylists in the county, I never come out looking like Halle Berry. Always Amy, with some Halle-like flair.

You would think I would have learned from my 11-year-old self. Travel back with me to 1978.

I have had very short hair since about the 6th grade. That was the year I “shook the snow-globe” and wanted to change my look. Long dark hair had always been my trademark and it flowed to the middle of my back. Confidently one day, I walked into the Viewmont Mall, entered their salon, and without even a picture, I remember telling the stylist I wanted a short haircut. She was shocked. I vividly remember the stylist looking at my mother for the go ahead. My mom was probably thrilled since she had shampooed and dried that mane for far too long and needed a break. She gave the “have at it nod.” Halle wasn’t on the scene yet, but Dorothy Hamill was, and I that was the look I was going for that day.

Well… I didn’t walk out looking like Dorothy with a graduated bob-cut. Still Amy with a less than bouncy style. (Who knew at the tender age of 11 that hair texture and thickness were vital to a flowing outcome?) But, I loved it, and while I tried to grow it out over the years, pixie is just my thing. I did however try the Meg Ryan shag in the late 90’s… big mistake- HUGE!

Fast forward to July 14, 2021. I was “shaking that snow-globe” again and I needed a change. While the length wasn’t going to change much the COLOR was! I have been a conservative woman with color over the years, never straying too far from the browns with a little hi-lighting. Not that day baby. I had a new picture and I was coming out a different woman! Goodbye gray my nemesis, hello silver with black undertones. It’s summer, why not try something fun right?

I boldly walked into my salon, sat in the chair, and showed Rocky my stylist my inspiration photo. After years of photo bomb experiences I ask her if this was possible. She excitedly said YES and was anxious to start. While she magically began mixing up the potions of color change I began to panic. I sat in the chair and feverishly texted family and friends to get their opinion of my new hair adventure. I received a unanimous “GO FOR IT!” from everyone. My friend Steph asked if I was in crisis! LOL

I nervously asked “what if” questions and was reassured numerous times if I wasn’t happy it could easily be brought back to my naturaI color. I gave the go ahead nod.

Let the games begin!!

This adventure began at 5:00 PM. I had no idea how many steps in the process it would take to get me first to be a platinum blonde- hellooo Deborah Harry! If you know me I burst out singing “Heart of Glass”, to Ronald McDonald orange. (I was told not to look because I’d freak out. Did I listen? Ummmm, no.

I briefly freaked out.

The process went on for literally HOURS!!! Not only am I strong-willed and stubborn, apparently so is my hair to color change. The amount of product applied to my hair was inconceivable. But Rocky wasn’t giving up. She was going to get me there. That picture meant something to her and she wasn’t going to allow me to leave without the look.

Well, at 11:00 PM, yes, six hours into it I was ready to throw in the towel and go back to brown. My stylist looked at me like I had two heads and said: “No girl we have come this far we are not backing down now!”

I just wanted to go to bed!

We forged ahead, and by 12:45 we were there!

I am quite sure many of you went back and reread that time, counted on your fingers, and reread again. Yes, 7 hours and 45 min of “shaking this up” took place.

I LOVED IT!!! It was so out of my wheelhouse and character. Tightly, I hugged my stylist. I was either deliriously happy or exhausted. Probably both. She had a look like she just finished giving labor, but I felt like rockstar! When I left the salon to walk to my car at 1:00 AM- I was ready to take on the world! I was rocking a new style and was heading home, to bed, and the world would not see the new me until the next day.

On my drive home on the curvey roads of Chester County, there stood a mother and fawn. Still speckled with spots the fawn was learning how to find a late night snack. I rolled my window down to get a closer look. Only about 10 feet away they stopped and looked at me chewing and not at all skittish. I said hello and showed them my new hairdo. They were “fawning over” the color and style nodded their approval, and moved on…

I learned a lot during that 7 hour and 45 minutes of hair transformation.

I learned about my hair stylist in those late night hours and the pride she takes in her work. We learned more about each other and the things women go through to get where we are today. And finally, I learned that it’s ok to “shake that snow globe” once in a while and to move out of your comfort zone to discover new things about yourself.

Time marches on, find your rhythm, and don’t be afraid to shake it up.

I will always be Amy, just a little sassier these days!